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  • Writer's picturePasadena Orthopedics, Inc.

Laser Fungal Toe Nail Treatment

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

Featured on The Doctors show given its great success and FDA clearance in treating fungal nails!

Before & Afters

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the PinPointeTM FootLaserTM work? A: The PinPointe FootLaser kills the fungus that lives in and under the nail. The laser light passes through the nail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin. At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear— it takes time to grow out the healthy nail.

Q: What can I expect in the doctor’s office? A: The process begins with a consultation in which I will explain the procedure that is to be performed and any follow-up visits that may be required. If it is unclear from a visual examination if it is truly fungus, we can send a nail clipping to the lab to confirm. This is covered by insurance. You may have the consultation and treatment on the same day if desired.

Q: Is the procedure painful? A: Most patients feel no pain. Some may feel a warming sensation. An isolated few may feel a slight pinprick.

Q: Is there a recovery period? A: No. The treatment is a walk in/ walk out procedure with no down-time! You can do all normal activities after. Be sure to bring a pair of fresh socks for post-treatment. Sandals are also preferred.

Q: How long does the procedure take? A: The PinPointe FootLaser procedure typically takes about 30 minutes for all 10 toenails.

Q: Will the fungus grow back? A: One or two treatments kill the fungus for most people. However, there is a chance of reinfection because the fungus is present everywhere in the environment. I will recommend post-treatment care techniques to help reduce a recurrence of the infection. The analogy we like to use is... if you go to the dentist to fill a cavity, this does not mean you can stop brushing your teeth. Just like post-laser treatment, it does not mean you can stop eradicating fungus from the environment near you. Throw away old socks and slippers to prevent re-infection.

Q: When is it safe to paint my nails or have a pedicure following treatment? A: You can apply polish immediately after the treatment. It is important that you remove all nail polish and nail decorations the day before your treatment.

Q: Is the procedure covered by insurance? A: This procedure is considered aesthetic and therefore health insurance does not provide coverage. However, your HSA, Medical IRA, or Health Spending Account may sometimes be used to cover this procedure if they cover non-insurance covered services.

Q: What costs are covered in the treatment? A: We can begin with a free consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for this new therapy. If a lab test is needed to confirm the presence of the fungus, insurance will be billed. After an affirmative diagnosis, your nails will be debrided (trimmed and filed) and you will receive the treatment. A photo before and after may be included. Further follow-up visits and laser treatments may be scheduled if needed. Because it takes months for the new nail to grow out (6-12 months), periodic visits to check on your progress are scheduled. For very severe infections, additional sessions may be recommended. You will also be given a Post-Laser Treatment Care Kit containing products that will enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and be personalized for you as determined by Dr. Shirazi. We take this diagnosis seriously and will work diligently to help you the entire way to a clear nail!

Q: How long has the PinPointe FootLaser been in use? A: Clinical studies began in November 2007.

Q: Is the PinPointe FootLaser FDA cleared? A: Yes, the device has received FDA clearance for treatment of toenail fungus.

Q: Who developed the PinPointe FootLaser procedure? A: Leading scientists and medical professionals working together for 20 years with funding provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) developed the technology used in the patented PinPointe FootLaser.

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